Food & Snacks

Is Crab Halal or Haram?

Is Crab Halal or Haram?

As Muslims, we have been given a set of guidelines to follow all our lives. These guidelines define everything from what we are allowed to eat and drink to what is harmful to our health and body and how we are supposed to conduct our behavior. Islam even guides us on how we are supposed …

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Is Bone broth Halal or Haram

Is Bone broth Halal or Haram?

Bone broth, also known as stock, is a cooking liquid that is the basis of many dishes like stews, soups, and gravies. Humans know this food ingredient dates back to prehistoric times since Bone broth is mainly from animal bones, meat scraps, and connective tissues. Every country and region uses native animals for making bone …

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Is Mirin Halal or Haram

Is Mirin Halal or Haram?

With globalization, we got familiar with many delicious delicacies of other regions and cultures. In the UK, various European and non-European cuisines are famous. It’s no surprise that the majority of UK citizens like these famous Japanese cuisines. Mirin is one of the essential ingredients of many Japanese dishes and sides. Mirin is a type …

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Is Boba Halal or Haram

Is Boba Halal or Haram?

Boba, also known as tapioca balls or tapioca pearls is an essential ingredient in Taiwanese bubble tea drinks. Though this bubble tea has many variations, all of them must contain Boba. Tapioca balls are made from tapioca starch. The source of this starch is cassava root which is a starchy tuber vegetable. The first step to …

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Is Wasabi Halal or Haram.jpg

Is Wasabi Halal or Haram?

Wasabi, also known as Japanese horseradish, is a plant of the Brassicaceae family. This plant grows naturally along stream beds in mountain river valleys in Japan and is a pungent condiment for sushi and other foods. The taste of Wasabi is similar to hot mustard. The grating of its stem/rhizome produces a paste in making …

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Is Tteokbokki Halal or Haram

Is Tteokbokki Halal or Haram?

Tteokbokki is a popular Korean dish that has recently become popular in Western nations. Cakes, boiled eggs, fish cakes, and scallions make up Tteokbokki. Like other European countries, this healthy and tasty Korean dish is also very famous in the UK. There are many variations of Tteokbokki like curry-tteokbokki, cream sauce-tteokbokki, jajang-tteokbokki, seafood-tteokbokki, rose-tteokbokki, galbi-tteokbokki. …

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Is Kosher Halal or Haram?

Is Kosher Halal or Haram?

Kosher, derived from Hebrew, means fit or proper and relates to Jewish dietary law. The Kosher laws are biblical, and Jews around the globe follow them. According to these laws, it is permissible for Jews to eat only kosher foods and avoid non-kosher foods. Kosher laws are collectively known as “kashrut” and are found within …

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Is Kimchi Halal or Haram

Is Kimchi Halal or Haram?

Kimchi is a popular Korean side dish that has become popular in western nations, including the UK, in the past two decades. Kimchi is a dish of Napa cabbage and Korean radish. Like other European countries, this healthy and tasty Korean dish is famous in the UK. Generally, various Kimchi recipes are prepared using multiple …

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Is Doritos Halal or Haram

Is Doritos Halal or Haram?

Doritos are flavored tortilla chips made by Frito-Lay, a subsidiary of PepsiCo.  Established in 1964, the brand has since expanded to almost every country and region globally. Though an American chips brand, these tortilla chips are also popular in the UK. They offer a range of chips and dips. In the UK, individuals of most …

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