Food & Snacks

Are Scallops Halal or Haram

Are Scallops Halal or Haram?

Scallops belong to the mollusk family that dwells in seawater only. These bivalve animals never inhabit freshwater. Generally, there are two types of scallops – one is bay scallops, and the other is sea scallops. Bay scallops are smaller compared to sea scallops that grow as big as two inches. These savory creatures also have …

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Is Cochineal Halal or Haram

Is Cochineal Halal or Haram?

Cochineal is a parasitic insect that lives on cacti. It derives sap from cacti and is found in North and South America. The natural red dye carmine or carminic acid is derived from this parasitic insect and is widely used in textiles, drugs, and cosmetic industries. Besides these industries, natural dye is also an integral …

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Is Salami Stock Halal or Haram

Is Salami Halal or Haram?

In ancient times, various food preservation methods like curing and drying were used for preserving food items like meat, fish, and vegetable. As Salami involves curing, drying, and fermentation so the recipe was also well known to our ancestors. Historically, the use of Salami by the Romans is well-documented. Ingredients of Salami Traditionally, Salami is …

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